Subnautica Below Zero Multiplayer

A multiplayer fan-made mod for the game Subnautica.


The mod is currently in alpha and only patreon users can access it. When the beta version is released, it will be available to all users.

Subnautica BZ Multiplayer Windows Version

Windows (64-bit)

Supports Windows 8, 8.1, 10, 11 versions.

Subnautica BZ Multiplayer Mac Version


Supports Mac devices.

Subnautica BZ Multiplayer Linux Version


Supports the Ubuntu version.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to some of your questions here.

Is Subnautica Multiplayer?

Yes, This mod allows you to play Subnautica Below Zero in multiplayer with your friends.

Can the game be completed in a story-synchronized way in the Alpha version?

Yes, in the alpha version the whole story is synchronized and you can complete the story with your friend.

How can I use the mod?

The mod is currently in alpha and only patreon users can access it. When the beta version is released, it will be available to all users.

How can I join the alpha version?

The alpha version is only available to patreon supporters. You will have access to the Alpha version when you become a patreon supporter at the address below. As a Patreon supporter, you will continue to have access throughout the entire alpha process, even if you don't renew your membership.

Patreon Page:

Is the mod free?

Yes, the mod is free and will always be free. The purpose of the mod is not to make money. Patreon is only for motivation and to cover the costs of the mod. Only the alpha version is accessible to patreon users. The beta and all other subsequent releases will be accessible to everyone.

What kind of costs does the mod have?

I use it for server fee (every month), domain fee (every year) and to buy subnautica on other platforms like epic games. This is how I spend now, unless other expenses arise in the future. The server is required to host the domain and for users to automatically download the necessary files.

If no one donates through Patreon, how will you pay for the server?

When that happens, I will have to pay for the server out of my own pocket. If I can't afford the server costs, I will have to turn to free alternatives.

Changelog Timeline

Historically, the stage of development of the mod is displayed in this section.

Bug Report

You can report bugs or problems you find in the mod here.

Report a bug